
  • 2 lbs. pork
  • 2 lbs. lamb
  • ½ lb. salt pork
  • 6 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1-½ cups vegetable shortening
  • 1-¾ cups water
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1-½ teaspoon baking powder


1. Boil meat until tender. Reserve juice. After meat has cooled, dice (all except salt pork which may be discarded), mix together, and set aside.
2. In large mixing bowl, cut shortening into flour until crumbly. Add water, salt, and baking powder. Turn dough out onto floured surface and kneed a few times (just until not sticky anymore). Tear off small ball from dough and roll into a 9 to 10-inch circle. Press this into the bottom of a 6-inch tart tin. Fill tin about two-thirds full with meat mixture. Spoon 1 tbs. of the reserved juice over the top of meat. Cover with another 9 to 10-inch rolled dough circle. Press together sides and trim. Repeat 14 more times or until meat or dough is gone.
3. Bake at 450-degrees for 17 minutes. Cool.
4. To Serve: Heat several cups of reserved juice in large saucepan. When juice comes to a boil, drop one whole pie into boiling juice. Allow to boil until pie crust becomes soft and pliable (test often with spatula) but not so soft that it falls apart. Remove from boiling juice and place into a bowl. Serve hot. Pepper to taste, if desired.



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Grandma Enright


16 servings


European : Western : Irish

